
AFMA Forum 2020 at Sun City Convention Centre

AFMA (Animal Feed Manufacturers Association) is hosting a forum at Sun City from the 3rd – the 5th of March 2020, welcoming industry players and professionals who are seeking insight and perspective into Africa’s livestock feed sector and agricultural environment. As a respected leading body representing safe feed for safe food, AFMA enhances and supports the sustainability of the industry, while creating much-needed awareness.

For those travelling to Rustenburg to attend this event, accommodation can be booked at the welcoming 5-star Tshiberry Bed and Breakfast, located in Phokeng Village. The theme for this upcoming event will be “Explore today for a better tomorrow” and the world-class conference programme will provide information on subjects like food security, challenges facing the industry, socio-economic realities and ever-changing technologies. Speaking to the world’s most important feed producers and manufacturers, AFMA can impact not only local but also global agricultural approaches, while collaborating with relevant industries and trades.

A Better World with Agricultural Change

Event attendees will include commercial feed and premix manufacturers, dairy, pig, sheep, game and cattle producers, academic professionals and agricultural students, professionals from the fertilizer and feedlot industries as well as leaders in trading and procurement and the biofuel and renewable energy industries. With so many important influences coming together under one roof (including international government and non-government organisations) the AFMA Forum encourages dialogues and collaboration between various sectors and industry professionals, towards the improvement of the agricultural and livestock sector.

There are many identifiable areas for improvement in SA’s agriculture sector, which will be addressed at the AFMA Forum. Some of these subjects include meeting consumer expectations and misconceptions, environmental and sustainability concerns, traceability, various infrastructure constraints, the effects of the digital revolution on production and quality, as well as ways of identifying regulatory constraints that have the potential to impact the industry.

AFMA convention in Gauteng province.

Explore more attractions during your time here, visit the wonderful Sun Star at Sun City, explore an array of family-friendly attractions in and around Rustenburg or get in touch with nature at the beautiful Pilanesberg Nature Reserve.



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